Our Harbor / In The Community

Boston Marine Society, 1754 | the oldest association of sea captains in the world.

Elected the first woman Officer, Martha's responsibilities include control of $30M+ in charitable assets. Martha serves on the Management Committee, the Finance Committee and she oversees the payment of the Board's expenses such as the grants they award, renovations and repairs to the House as the Board determines. Learn more about the Boston Marine Society.

Boston Port and Seamen's Aid Society (BPSAS) | "Queen of the Port"

Referred to as "Queen of the Port" among friends, Martha holds the position of manager of BPSAS and has been elected the Treasurer annually since 2013. BPSAS runs The Mariner's House in the North End of Boston, which provides "a sober refuge from life at sea and reasonably priced accommodations for eligible individuals and families." This is exactly what Martha offers her clients: a safe harbor in the unsettling times of divorce and family law disputes at competitive rates. In all that she does, Martha seeks to protect and serve the people in her communities. Learn more about BPSAS.

Boston Inn of Court | Member since 1998

The Boston Inn of Court is a strong cadre of Boston's best and brightest members of the bench, bar, and academia. The ninety-member Inn gathers cross-sections of lawyers to encourage good practice and dedication to ethics. Martha has been a member since 1998, and served on the Executive Committee from 1998-2008 and 2013-1015.

Mock Trial Judge | Pure fun.

Martha's favorite vocational activity is serving as a Mock Trial Judge, where she has the energizing opportunity to work with the next generation of trial lawyers. Since 2009, Martha has regularly volunteered to preside as judge for at least two high school mock trials each year through the Massachusetts Bar Association.